Legal Umbrellas Handed Out Here!

When I go to networking events people always ask me why I choose to give away free legal service.  The law must be my passion, they inevitably conclude.  Well, I have no particular affection for my profession, but I am passionate about helping people help themselves.  And, as a practicing big business attorney, I understand the costs associated with using or services may prove to be too much for many of you.  But as Adam Callinan shows, you can easily do some of this work on your own… and for that we ar

e here to help. But let’s be real, you will need an attorney to do certain things so Callinan’s advice on how to handle conversations with your lawyer is truly helpful. In the end though, it’s all about having the law be a protective force, not a barrier… and with the various options for free or affordable legal services we  provide, we are able to help give you that legal umbrella. 

Posted on April 14, 2014 and filed under How To Choose A Lawyer.