Internet Toll Fee For Access To Your Customers? This May Be The Future...

I’ve heard the phrase “net neutrality” since at least 2008, however, until recently, I never took a moment to find out what it was about.  I was sure this did not affect my life in any possible way so I could simply let it be somebody else’s problem.  For those who are not familiar, net neutrality is the idea that all sites get equal bandwidth access to the internet without any discrimination from internet service providers.  Many of you have been complaining about Facebook limiting access to your followers’ newsfeeds unless you paid for advertising.  Well, as Dan Shewan explains, if the current threats to net neutrality succeed, you will find yourself in a similar situation with your internet service providers (ISPs): either pay more or no one will be able to access your website.  Right now the biggest threat to net neutrality was a January 2014 ruling by the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that limits the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) ability to regulate ISPs to ensure an open internet.  Thankfully, it seems the FCC is currently working on new policies to ensure that the internet remains neutral.

Posted on April 22, 2014 and filed under Internet / Social Media.