Are New FDA E-Cig Regulations Enough To Halt A “Mad Men” Type Revival of Smoking?

Recently, while overseas, I was enjoying probably the best Chinese meal I've ever had in my life when I was suddenly engulfed by cigarette smoke from a patron next to me. This immediately sucked all the enjoyment out of my meal.  But, after giving it some thought, it occurred to me that my reaction was somewhat overblown for someone that grew up in a house full of smokers.  It was, however, a testament to just how successful the campaign against cigarettes has been in this country.  To think that in less than a decade I could go from clubbing all night in smoke-filled joints to not being able to tolerate even 10 minutes of cigarette smoke is quite extraordinary.

That is why some people are now worried about the growing popularity of e-cigs.  Though there has been a vast increase in the number of e-cig related poisonings reported over the past few years, the percentage of high school students who admit to trying this product has doubled in the same time period.  Seeing that the vast majority of e-cig manufacturers add “fruit and candy-type flavorings” to their product, there is concern that we are going back to the “Joe Camel” era of targeting minors for nicotine addiction.  

As Melanie Haiken reports, with these fears as a catalyst, the FDA recently proposed new regulations regarding the sale, packaging & distribution of e-cigs. Many believe it doesn't go far enough to limit its popularity.  Me, I believe that with one or two changes it is sufficient.  What do you think? Are you worried that we are in danger of going back to the “Mad Men” heyday of smoking? If you are an entrepreneur that sells this product do you think this would be a good thing? Do you think people should be allowed to use it indoors seeing that there is no second-had smoke?


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Posted on May 5, 2014 and filed under Upcoming Laws.