Is "Religious Freedom" A Passport To Bypassing Certain Regulations?

The 1st Amendment of the Constitution enshrines the separation of church and State in the United States.  The Religious Freedom Restoration Act further reinforces the limits on any federal encroachment on our religious freedoms.  Because of this, many of us take our religious liberty for granted.  But, have you ever thought about whether or not a corporate entity, like your business should be guaranteed a similar right?  Does this idea sound odd to you? Well, believe it or not this is a question that is currently being decided by the Supreme Court in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. 

In this case, Hobby Lobby claims that the Affordable Care Act's requirement that companies provide full contraceptive coverage for women in their health care plans is an infringement on the corporation's religious rights.  As Clare O'Connor outlines, victory in this case will no doubt lead to a slippery slope that increases the level of control businesses have over their employees. If Hobby Lobby wins, could businesses, using religious beliefs, no longer fund conception via IVF; refuse to recognize employee unions; or choose not to provide healthcare for same-sex spouses?  As a business owner, is this a road we should be allowed to travel? 

I would really like to hear your thoughts on this issue, but remember ,we are not a political or advocacy site.  So please support your arguments with the law not your personal beliefs. Thanks!


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Posted on April 7, 2014 and filed under Employment, Lawsuit.