BOOST The Power of Your Presentations

The only thing I clearly remember about my first presentation was the sound of my heartbeat. I was in high school, standing in front of the entire student body...with all those eyes staring at me know what? I should probably stop that memory right there (WAY too much anxiety involved).  In any event, that's not the type of presentation I was talking about anyhow.  The ones I am referring to are the bane of all business seminar / conference attendees -- the dreaded power point presentations.

After being in the audience of those types of presentations for the past decade, I realized that power points don't engage -- they simply encourage people to zone out.  Of course when it's our turn to present we forget all about this!  We have so much information we feel we need to convey! So invariably, we fall right back into the tried and true method - you know, the same one that almost put you to sleep last week: lots of facts, lots of research, lots of text and lots of bullet points.

So what can we do to engage your audience instead of boring them to death? Personally, I think of my response to my favorite Youtubers and bloggers. Though I value the information they provide, unlike their competitors, they've somehow managed to appeal to me emotionally as well as intellectually.  So how can apply that formula to our business presentations?  I don't know, but the people over at Entrepreneur have given us with some tips:


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Posted on April 2, 2014 and filed under Wild Card Wednesday.