Wildcard Wednesday (3/26/14)

I have to admit that people’s obsession with social media always seemed a bit alien to me. Yes, I am ok with Facebook but I can go months without checking in. There is, however, one exception: Youtube.

I can honestly say I am obsessed with Youtube. For me, the people I follow are not business people hawking their products but my “friends”. I religiously follow them each day across all social media platforms. But why?! How could something like this happen to a social media noob like me?  There was even an instance where a Youtube channel had me running to Barnes & Noble to buy their book (in the middle of this past hellish winter!) because I could not wait for an Amazon delivery.

So the question is how can we, as small business owners, elicit the same response in our audience? I really want the secret! Thankfully this week’s “Wildcard Wednesday” feature “YouTube Marketing Power” reveals it. In Pierre DeBois’ review,  we learn that this book advises us against simply watching Youtube videos all day (guilty!); we must also leave comments. Next, we must develop a Youtube presence, upload our own content and customize our channel in a manner that will draw in customers. Of course, there is more to the secret than that, but you will have to buy the book to find out… FYI, I already ordered mine. 

Posted on March 26, 2014 and filed under Wild Card Wednesday.