WILD CARD WEDNESDAY - Common Sense Tax Advice From A Fellow Entrepreneur

So welcome to our first "Wildcard Wednesday"! Every Wednesday, I'll feature something related to the law that I believe you need to see.  The format and areas covered will change every week, but unlike the legal news blog or our "best of the web" series, the content and format of "Wild Card Wednesdays" will change, well... wildly! (Sorry for the pun but I couldn't resist!)

Our first Wild card Wednesday feature comes from Andrew Shin. First, let me apologize for the quality of the video.  The lighting and production may be off, but the advice is top-notch!  And, for once I wasn't bored to death when someone started discussing taxes.  Why? Because Andrew tells you what to look for without being technical.  He just lays out the stuff that you need to keep track of - and also discuss with your tax accountant.  And, I also thought it would be helpful to hear this stuff from another small business owner.

I recommend starting at around the 1 minute mark.

Posted on March 19, 2014 and filed under Wild Card Wednesday.